By respecting the human value of all people the PVAC Fund is helping to build a country where all people have the opportunity to reach their full potential free from discrimination, prejudice and economic deprivation.
In fulfilling its mission, the PVAC Fund supports programs with a particular focus on African Americans living in Montgomery County, Maryland in the areas of education, economic security, physical and mental health, international awareness, social and political action. We develop and implement strategies to raise funds to support scholarships and community programs that provide a helping hand to those in need.
Our work is grounded in the following values:
An individual’s life outcomes should not be determined by ethnic background, color of skin, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical disability, economic class, and religion.
Equality and justice should be afforded all people.
The Fund is continuing a legacy of courageous and unified action to rectify discrimination, and through our leadership advance civil and human rights.
Everyone has a role to play in the betterment of society.
To those to whom much is given, much is expected.
We are stronger when we work together.
Members engage in passionate discussions about challenges and solutions and do so in a civil sisterly manner.