PVAC Fund, Inc. P.O. Box 10372, Rockville, MD 20849 www.pvacfundinc.org
Montgomery County Parade of Scholarships
Join the Montgomery County Parade of Scholarships with a Named Scholarship Honoring a Loved One...Click below to view PVAC Fund Named Scholarships

PVAC Fund Named Scholarship Program
Since its founding, the PVAC Fund has provided more than $300,000 in scholarships to exceptional Montgomery County High School graduates with financial need. In 2008, the PVAC Fund, Inc. established the Named Scholarship Program.
The Named Scholarship Program allows Donors (individuals, families, organizations, etc.) to establish a Named Scholarship to honor, commemorate or pay tribute to individuals, groups, or events. Named scholarships demonstrate the breadth of support within the community for providing educational opportunity, especially for high achieving African Americans, and honor the tradition of
“giving back” to continue our community’s upward mobility.
Please join us in helping to secure the future of our youth in Montgomery County. Membership in this special class of Donors requires a minimum donation of $5,000. Donors will make On-Air Donations and there will be a Special Tribute during the TV Broadcast to Honor the Named Scholarship Honorees.
PVAC Fund’s Named Scholarship funds are pooled and each year the PVAC Fund, Inc. Board in consultation with Named Scholarship Donors selects a student to receive the annual Named Scholarship. Parade of Scholarships Named Scholarship solicited by our Community Partners will be administered by the Community Partner under the organization’s Scholarship Program.
For additional information regarding the Named Scholarship Program, please email requests to the PVAC Fund, Inc. at pvacfundinc@gmail.com.

$10,000 Cheryl Prejean Greaux in honor of her husband Robert B. Greaux and her mother Evelyn Faye Jones
$10,000 Diane Murray in honor of her mother Leonarda Johnson Powell, and her aunt Juliette Johnson
$10,000 Karen McGill Lawson in honor of her mother and father Dorothy Kathryn Baylor McGill and Thomas Leslie McGill Sr.
$10,000 Gayle Driver in honor of her parents Carl V. and Nadine C. Brown
$8,200 Family and friends of Rose Brown in honor of Rose Lanier Brown
$6,250 Shirley Malone in honor of her mother Mary Sue Malone
$5,800 Donna Simms d’Almeida and friends
$5,675 Shirley B. Miller family and friends in honor of Shiley B. Miller
$5,000 Sheila Ogilvie and Joyelle Ogilvie in honor of their parents/grandparents Fred and Parthenia Ginyard
$5,000 Sheila Ogilvie and Lana Mosby in honor of Dottie Mandeville Ray
$5,000 Claudia Herbert in honor of her stepson Matthew Foster Hopkins
$5,000 Joel Parker in honor of her mother Hattie Louise Williams
$5,000 Thelma Frazier in honor of the Frazier family
$5,000 Erma Withers in honor of her husband Charles Withers
$5,000 Kendell Matthews in honor of her parents Carl and Ethel Vaughn
$5,000 Rochelle Hackley-Harris in honor of her grandmother Helen Louise Shotwell
$5,000 Christi Hay and family in honor of Timothy and Thomas Hay
$5,000 Mitzi Young in honor of her mother Dr. Jewel K. Young
Named Scholarship Recipients
$2,000 2013 Hillary Yeboah
$2,500 2014 Angela Graham
$2,500 2015 Ravon Ellis
$3,000 2016 Ariel Blakey
$3,000 2017 Ariel Blakey
$3,000 2018 Ariel Blakey
$3,000 2019 Alice Kahkajian
$1,500 2020 Jaydan Fogo
$1,500 2020 Nia Manor
$5,000 2021 Eliza Kaldjob Anong
$2,000 2022 Aliza Anthanio (HBCU Parade of Scholarships Renewal)
$2,000 2022 Lindsey Moris (HBCU Parade of Scholarships Renewal)
$2,000 2022 Folly Kouevi (HBCU Parade of Scholarships Renewal)
$2,000 2022 Roderick Dreher (HBCU Parade of Scholarships Renewal)
$2,000 2022 Darius Scott (HBCU Parade of Scholarships Renewal)
$2,000 2022 Salem Tesfay (HBCU Parade of Scholarships Renewal)
$2,000 2022 Giandra West (HBCU Parade of Scholarships Renewal)